Changes of Plasma Prethrombotic State Related Molecular Markers Levels in Patients with Hyperhomocysteinemia HHcy患者血栓前状态分子标志物的变化
The generating process, reacting speed and performance of the plasma can be influenced by the medium phase state in reactor. 为了解介质相态对反应器内等离子体的形成过程、反应速度和特性的影响,用有限元法分析了线&半筒反应器内的电场。
Plasma is the forth state of matter. 等离子体是物质存在的第四种状态。
H plasma treatment changes the bond state between the deposit and substrate, resulting in a improved adhesion of the deposit to cemented carbide. H等离子处理改变了镀层和基体之间的结合状态,提高了镀层与硬质合金的结合强度。
Mulberry silk was treated with low-temperature-oxygen plasma, the changes of its conglomeration state were studied. 采用低温氧等离子体对蚕丝纤维进行处理,研究了等离子体处理后蚕丝纤维聚集态结构的变化情况。
Static characteristics of arc plasma reactor and the influence of flowing gas state on the thermal efficiency and stagnation enthalpy of plasma torch has been investigated. 探讨了电弧等离子体发生器的静态伏安特性以及气体流动状态对等离子体发生器热效率、热焓的影响。
Lattice QCD calculations predict a phase transition from hadronic matter to a de-confined, locally thermalized Quark-Gluon Plasma ( QGP) state at high temperature and small baryon density. 格点量子色动力学预言,在高温高密的条件下有可能发生从强子相到退禁闭的局域热化的夸克胶子等离子体(QGP)相的跃迁。
The cause of anemia was explored from the three aspects: the increase in plasma volume, the motile iron deficiency state and erythrocyte hemolysis. 综合前人的研究成果,从血浆容量的增加、运动型缺铁状态和红细胞溶血三个方面论述了运动型运动性贫血的机理。
Conclusions Plasma N-BNP correlates with the state of myocardial microcirculatory reperfusion and inflammation. 结论AMI再灌注过程中血浆N-BNP与炎性细胞因子水平同步增高,其增高水平与心肌组织灌注状态密切相关。
The outer core of the earth, being in the plasma state with high temperature, high pressure, high density, and immersed in a strong toroidal magnetic field, can support varieties of plasma waves. 地球外核处于高温、高压、高密度的等离子体状态,可以支持多种磁流体波的激发和传播。
Based on plasma sheath theory, the keyhole state information, keyhole establishment and collapse could be predicted by the plasma cloud voltage which changes according to the length and angle of plasma cloud. 根据等离子鞘层理论,随等离子反翘长度和角度变化的反翘电压可以反映小孔的状态信息及其形成、坍塌过程。
The DC glow plasma was theoretically explained and a basis was provided for the experimental design and theoretical analysis. The results indicted that the effectiveness of sulfur removal from molten tin in DC glow plasma was better than that in normal state. 在极性相反(锡液为正极)时,氩直流辉光等离子体没有脱硫效果,而氢直流辉光等离子体有一定的脱除能力。根据直流辉光等离子体的理论对实验结果进行了机理分析和解释。
Relationship between plasma level of D dimer and the hypercoagulable state and thrombotic disease 血浆D-二聚体检测与高凝状态和血栓性疾病的关系
By adjusting the thickness of CH layer at different directions, a 1D plasma expansion and desired plasma state can be obtained. More radiation energy to heat the target is not better. 调整不同方向上的CH膜厚度,可以控制铁等离子体的膨胀方向,使它尽可能地达到一维膨胀,使得反推出的等离子体密度可以更加准确;
With this method, the influences of the plasma hydrogenation on the gap state density have been investigated. 根据这种方法,我们研究了氢等离子体处理对多晶硅薄膜晶体管禁带态密度的影响。
Conclusions ① The plasma cGMP level can sensitively reflect the hydration state and is a reliable marker for dry body weight estimation. 结论:血浆cGMP水平能敏感地反映容量负荷状态,可作为评估干体重的重要指标;
An electron plasma may be in thermal equilibrium state under the confinement by electric and magnetic fields. 电子等离子体在静磁场和静电场的束缚下,可以达到热平衡态。
The plasma Chemistry and the Solid State Electronics 固体电子学中的等离子体技术
The radiative loss for carbon plasma impurity by modified Corona model with metastable state effects is calculated. 用修正的日冕模型,考虑原子的亚稳定态结构,计算了聚变等离子体内杂质碳原子及其离子的辐射损失。
Applications of TROGS on the Measurement of Plasma Dynamical Parameters and Atomic High Excited State Lifetime 瞬态射频光电流谱在测量等离子体动力学参数及高激发态能级寿命的应用
With this ROSS-FILTER-PIN spectrometer, the energy spectra of soft X-ray from a small gas-puff Z-pinch were investigated, and the correlation between the soft X-ray yield and the plasma implosion state was also studied. 借助此能谱仪,测量得到了喷气式Z箍缩(Z-pinch)等离子体辐射软X射线能谱的分布,并研究了软X射线产额随箍缩状况的变化趋势。
Dusty plasma phase in a steady state plasma device 稳态装置中的尘埃等离子体状态
Based on the assumption that the plasma in the local thermodynamic equilibrium state, and combining the Saha ionization of air plasma equilibrium equation, we calculated the equilibrium composition and continuous spectrum of air plasma radiation. 在理论上,基于局域热力学平衡态下的等离子体发射光谱理论,并结合空气等离子体Saha电离平衡方程,计算了空气等离子体中的平衡组分和连续光谱。
Plasma, which is called the fourth state of matter, has been applied widely in thermal nuclear fusion science, space exploration, military research and development, as well as manufacturing production, et al. 等离子体是物质的第四态,在热核聚变工程、空间和天体探索、军事研发以及工业生产等中的应用越来越广泛。
As the low-power microwave plasma source based on micro-system has attracted more and more attention in recent years, researchers are dedicated to obtain a miniaturized plasma source with long lifetime, steady state, low power, high efficiency and no electrode pollution. 近几年基于微系统的小功率微波等离子体源的研究越来越受关注,人们致力于得到一种结构简单,使用寿命长,状态稳定,功耗低,效率高而且无电极污染的小型化等离子体源。
A novel thinking that burned gas is a plasma state in a special period of the engine combustion process is presented in this paper. it is based on the investigation of the ionization process of burned gas. 本文将等离子体的概念引入发动机燃气离子化过程的分析中,通过对燃气离子化进程的较深入地研究,首次提出了发动机在燃烧过程的特定时域内燃气呈等离子体状态的新概念。
Plasma is a collection which contains a number of positive and negative charged particles, and appears no net space charge. Plasma is called the fourth state of matter in the universe. 等离子体是包含大量正负带电粒子、而不出现净空间电荷的电离气体,作为物质的第四态在宇宙中普遍存在。
At extremely high temperature or density, the nuclear matter will transit into Quark-Gluon Plasma ( QGP) state. 在极高的温度、密度状态下,核物质将发生夸克-胶子等离子体(QGP)的相变。
Switch the insulation gas between the electrodes, to withstand high voltage assumes a high impedance state, gas breakdown after the formation of plasma channel is in a conducting state, thus realize the switch function. 开关利用电极间的绝缘气体,先承受一定的高电压呈现高阻抗状态,气体击穿后形成等离子体通道呈现导通状态,由此实现开关功能。